Advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.

What is AAUW?

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that serves as the nation’s leading voice promoting equity and education for women and girls.  Since its founding in 1881, AAUW members have examined and taken positions on the fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political. AAUW’s Educational Opportunities Foundation (EOF) supports women’s educational goals through numerous fellowships and grants. AAUW holds the honor of awarding the most funding to women seeking graduate degrees of any nonprofit organization.  AAUW’s Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF) provides crucial financial support to women involved in legal action involving gender discrimination, from violations of Title IX to workplace harassment and pay discrimination. AAUW was instrumental in supporting Lilly Ledbetter in her federal lawsuit against her employer that resulted in the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act signed in 2009.

Shoreline CT AAUW is a local AAUW branch that was established in 1951 and currently has about 80 members with the majority living between Branford and Westbrook.  We are an active group of diverse ages, backgrounds, and interests. Some are retirees, others are still working, and all are friendly, intellectually and culturally active, and interested in women’s issues and advocacy.  Branch membership offers a full program of local activities as well as opportunities to participate in events sponsored by the National and Connecticut AAUW organizations.

What our Dues Support 

Shoreline Branch members contribute to the EOF and LAF through their annual dues. The branch has historically contributed additional funds when possible.  Each April, the Shoreline and Lower Connecticut Branches hold a joint meeting to hear from EOF fellowship and grant recipients attending colleges and universities in Connecticut. These women discuss their specific area of study and career goals, which are always impressive, and how they became involved in the EOF program.

Branch Scholarships

The branch also sponsors a local scholarship program funded by the annual luncheon in November, as well as other donations and gifts. We are especially proud of the local scholarship as it reflects our branch’s vision of contributing to the educational success of a continuing college student in our area.

As an additional part of its fundraising activities, the branch sponsors college students to attend AAUW’s annual National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, where students are motivated and inspired by speakers and workshops to assume leadership positions at their schools and in their future careers